Sign Up For Our Weekly Newsletter


Greetings Spoonwood Nation! We have officially started up a weekly newsletter to better keep you informed on beer releases, food specials, brewery updates, and special events going down in our taproom or at destinations throughout our region. We encourage you to welcome us into your inbox so you never miss what’s happening at Spoonwood Brewing. Signing up is easy. Simply enter your name and email below. From there, you will receive a confirmation message that contains a link. Click the link and you’re in. We look forward to keeping you …


Spoonwood Brewing Company-13

One 2015 is in the books. Another holiday season behind us and a brand new year in front of us. This time of year often leads to reflection and a dedication to doing something better with the days that lay ahead. Too often we get so caught up trying to make these monumental changes from some missed steps the year before, we forget about the small victories that defined a year’s worth of progress. Over time, those small victories add up, thus making the big picture that much clearer. As …

Spoonwood In Motion: Find Us All Over Pittsburgh In December!

Spoonwood In Motion: Find Us All Over Pittsburgh In December! If there’s one thing that typically defines the holiday season for most people, it’s one word: busy. Shopping to be done, gifts to be wrapped, cookies to bake, parties to attend, family gatherings to coordinate and execute. Oh, and in the midst of all that…menial tasks like going to work and cleaning the house. It’s a world gone mad these 31 days. Personally, I try to keep things level and balanced by never forgetting the true meaning of the holiday …

Bringing You Glad Tidings and a Killer New Menu!

Bringing You Glad Tidings and a Killer New Menu! That special time of year is upon us, friends. Before we know it, the ground will be covered with a blank white canvas of snow. Friends and family will gather around the table and share a home-cooked meal of turkey and all the fixings. Football will glow on TV sets as people slip in and out of tryptophan-induced comas. Stores will be overrun with folks looking to bust doors and elbow drop their fellow man in the name of low-cost bath …